Thursday, November 09, 2006

I am really big about taking my time and getting to know someone, not only in a potential vanilla relationship but especially in a power exchange setting. Many say that my hesitation to completely embracing the new person is because i doubt my own submissive needs or desires, others insist that by taking things slow I am "topping from the bottom".

Its not like I want a full year before I submit to someone and begin to obey fully, but I do need to know that I can trust him~ and not just because he says I can trust him. I need time to develop a feeling for who he is, what he stands for, and see how he behaves in different situations. Its important to me that I can trust him 100% and I'm not able to make that emotional investment lightly. Imagine my surprise when I received an email from a dominant who shares my opinion. He has given me permission to share his thoughts on my blog, so they are below.


Trust has to be earned, if someone is willing to submit to me right away, that suggests that they would submit to anyone who might ask them to. In which case any trust they might have is meaningless ... it signifies only that the submissive is foolish, not that I am actually worthy of that trust.

In my view, submission is a gift to be granted to a dominant, rather than a prize that is wrestled from the grasp of a submissive. After all, in the extreme case, the choice of who to serve is the last choice a slave will make. Again it is the judgment thing, being worthy of the trust and everything I guess I'm into the ego boost thing, but unwilling to settle for the shallow boost of 'instant submissive'. :)

Thank you again Melkor for letting me post your thoughts here.



elana sweet :: 7:47 PM :: 0 Comments:

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