Sunday, December 10, 2006

Tonight I was reading different forums on various pages and came across a post by a submissive woman about her distaste for her best friend's new Dominant. I was floored when I read her complaint, it was all I could do not to post my feelings in support of the Dominant!

OK so here is the scenario:

These two submissive women are best friends, according to the poster they are "real close". The friend just moved in with a new Dominant and He has restructured the rules in their home. The poster visited her friend and after a couple days was approached by the Dominant for being disrespectful. The poster said that she has a habit of talking over people talking or interrupt with a different story or something, and that her and her friend "did it all the time together", without knowing that was against His rules for the house. The poster argued with the Dominant and He told her to leave and not return until she could respect His rules for the household. The friend is very happy with the new Man in her life and His rules/structure, however the poster is furious. The poster cannot believe that He had the nerve to correct her and expect her to live by His rules~ because she is not His submissive. The poster said that she has pouted over this for a month or so before posting for advice/support.

Now, here are my thoughts:

I actually feel that both the friend and the poster are at fault. Asrai, my best friend, is also submissive and we have actually ran into that situation a couple times during our friendship. Not that we would actually argue with each other's Dominant, we have to much respect for each other to do that. Asrai would never let me enter their house without telling me the rules ~ especially ones she knows I will break unknowingly. Just as I would notify her of any rules or behavior changes would need to be made at my Dominant's house.

From taking off my shoes to not calling the house after 9p, I will do whatever it takes to make things easier on my best friend and support her in this new relationship. Then again, if it was a rule that would make me extremely uncomfortable (example: nude time after 9p) asrai will let me know so at 8:50p I can be out of there! haha

The point of this rant is that it doesn't matter if I like the rules or even the Dominant, if I love and respect my best friend then I should respect her choice of partner in her life. Plus, I feel that it is my job as her best friend to support her submission to him by obeying the rules He has put forth in His house.

Lets just face it, if I don't like the rules then I can meet with her somewhere else other than their house :)

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