Sunday, May 27, 2007

Dear Diary,

As you know, I love the
Wizard of Oz!
And I adore this picture.

There is so much that can be learned from the Wizard of Oz and its a movie that is absolutely timeless. I've been watching a lot of this movie lately, it offers a form of escape for my daily day-to-day. Not that things haven't been going well, its been kind of back and forth lately. But you know, life is like that :)

I'm going through a strong phase of missing pixie, I can't wait for SirD to get the cable internet hooked back up so we can play with blogs and share pictures and whatnot more often. Especially since I have added a Mp3 player to my blog, she won't be able to listen unless she goes to the library! :( Which sucks because I'd love to be able to share this music with her. I had a lot of fun going through my CDs and picking out music to share on my blog. I didn't pick all of the songs I have posted lyrics to, but a few of them are on the listing :)

Tomorrow is Memorial Day and its one of my favorite holidays. Not only is it (usually) good bbq'ing weather and the start of the swimming season, but more importantly it honors those who are fighting and have fought for our country. I'm totally soldier-crazy! I've tried a couple times to establish a pen-pal type thing with someone serving over seas but the webpages I sent postcards to (like I'm supposed to) don't return anything back to me. Fortunately I haven't gotten any spam so at least I didn't sign up for some kind of "send us $20 for your free ink pen" type thing. haha

I know this picture says Veteran's Day but I like it and it works for Memorial Day :)

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